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Explore my projects

const myWork = () => { return ( <p> Throughout each project, the emphasis has been on learning to work with a specific technology or addressing a business need. </p> ) } export default myWork

Projects key features

  • Following modern web design considerations

  • Built with Next.js and deployed on Netlify or Vercel

  • Clean folder structure and reusable components

  • Codebase written in React with JavaScript or TypeScript

  • Media optimization with Cloudinary

  • MDX markdown content for blog posts

  • Custom forms using Netlify functions and MailerLite API

  • Integration with CloudCannon CMS

  • Optimized for SEO

  • PWA for an app-like experience

  • Delivering multi-language websites leveraging i18n in Next.js

mobile device

If my work resonates with you, let's collaborate on a project!Contact me

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Latest project

I invite you to have a look at this e-commerce project that makes use of a beauty retailer's API to allow users to search for products and view suggestions as they type in the keywords.

It uses the Next.js app router to fetch data server-side based on a few parameters, filter it and display client-side a selection of data that may be most relevant to the user. To avoid overuse and add a layer of security, I have implemented rate limiting on API calls with middleware.

Design-wise, I have recreated the aesthetic of the retailer's website on a basic level. To ensure type safety the code was written in TypeScript and makes use of schema validation with Zod.

Since I intended to use automated tools to scan the API for security issues, I have created an OpenAPI spec file which you can view in the browser in JSON format.

Sample projects

Image-focused website with modular design

A website centered on showcasing beautiful images optimized through Cloudinary's API and displaying localized content, featuring a newsletter using Netlify functions and Mailerlite API. Image gallery displayed with Swiper.js. Optional Momence booking system integration.

Next.js • Cloudinary • Swiper.js •

Social media linkspage

A simple custom page for an educational enterprise containing relevant links. It features an event image gallery built with a Vercel starter and sourcing images through Cloudinary's API. The events registration page leverages Jekyll loops to allow the owner to easily add, hide or remove events/ event details through the CMS.

HTML • CSS • TypeScript • Next.js • Jekyll

Productivity web app landing page

Learning project to practice generating static and dynamic pages in Next.js, fetching data from a MongoDB cluster and displaying it in the UI, as well as using NextAuth + SMTP for OTP authentication. It also features a blog.

Next.js • Tailwind • MongoDB • Postmark • Framer Motion

Content writer blog

A clean Jekyll blog starter focused on showcasing blog entries built with loops and collections so they can be referenced thoughout the website as needed. It features a blog archive, tags, post social sharing and similar post suggestions.

Jekyll • Netlify


Hope you enjoyed exploring my coding journey and found something useful or inspiring. I'd be glad if you checked back later for updates and new projects!


Connect with me on my social handles.

Copyright 2023 ©Devroxana. All rights reserved.

Part of the images on this website have been provided by Icons8 and IconScout.